Friday, 8 February 2013

COTE JARDINS - What's the best option ?

Bonjour à tous et à toutes,

I am asking for help. 
In our home in Ré, there is some space alongside the wall in the terrace where 
there is a figuier and lots of bad green plants (weeds) which grow along. So, I asked a Garden Center to come and look at this space to have better plants and flowers.
My desires : Evergreen plants, with Hydrangeas
 or any other suggestions should be very helpful. 
I like Hydrangeas, and Buxus)
 but I have no idea if it is the right plant for the right place. 
the garden Center gave me 3 options following my tastes. 
1 - Buxus
2 - Verveine de Buenos Aires
3 - Quercifolia blanches (I prefer the hydrangeas)
so with somes images from google
I tried to make some presentations, suggestions....

1 - Buxus Verveine de Buenos Aires ?

2 - Buxus + Hydrangeas  ?

3 - Buxus + Hydrangeas + Verveine de Buenos Aires ?

So I am asking you ? 
What do you prefer ? 

Any suggestions ? 
Bon Week End !

Roselyne x

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